Oglála Lakȟóta artist Suzanne Kite presents the culmination of a year-long research project, Hél čhaŋkú kiŋ ȟpáye (There lies the road), with a VLC-commissioned performance and installation of interfaces and wearable technology, immersive video, and sound. Working with collaborators to develop protocols based on Indigenous ontologies in order to explore the limits of ethical AI-powered art, Kite has developed and produced these instruments and sculptures based on decisions made collaboratively over the course of a year. Hél čhaŋkú kiŋ ȟpáye presents a timely and daring reconsideration of our current and future relationships to nonhumans and networked technology.
The installation is hosted by PS122 Gallery and is open Wednesday through Sunday, 12–6 pm EST. Registration is required to attend the performance at 7 pm EST, December 4, 2021.
Please note that proof of vaccination and a mask are required for entry. Please arrive early as capacity is limited to 45 guests: first come, first served.
Presented by the Vera List Center for Art and Politics at the Schools of Public Engagement.
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The Vera List Center tries to share its programs as widely as possible, which means recording our programming and making it available on the Vera List Center and The New School websites. By attending the event, you consent to photography, audio recording, video recording and its/their release, publication, or exhibition. You can view past Vera List Center events at veralistcenter.org/events/past.
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